September Comments For A Cause: Franklin County Youth for Christ

I know it’s been a few months since I participated in Comments for a Cause, but I always want to make sure that if I’m giving, it’s from the heart and for a cause that I feel strongly about. The other day I was driving to work and listening to our local radio station.  Every day about 7:35 they play a segment called “Lighten Up & Live with Ken Davis.”  If you don’t know who Ken Davis is, he’s a Christian comedian who is hysterical!  (My dad and I actually both listen and often text or call each other about his laugh for the day!)  Every day they play this segment, which is just a 30 second – 1 minute story or comedy routine that is humorous, but also has a spiritual message to it!  This segment is sponsored by Compassion International and brought to us local listeners by Franklin County Youth for Christ…and, as I was listening the other morning it came to me…they would be the recipient of my next Comments for a Cause.

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Shredded Beef Tostadas

Shredded Beef Tostadas

I’m obsessed with these Shredded Beef Tostadas.

A couple of weeks ago I asked some of my blogging friends for recipes using roasts. You see, we get beef a half a cow at a time from farmers that we know well. We have it taken directly from their farm to our favorite locker (Lewright Meats in Eagle Grove, Iowa) and then it all comes home and fits (almost perfectly) in our upright freezer!  For some reason we seem to have a lot of “extra” roasts, so I’ve been trying different things from Pepsi Roast (it was pretty tasty) to other recipes that were not so much! (That one with the red wine, gak!)

Anyway, Jenny from In the Kitchen With Jenny was kind enough to share her Tostada recipe with me!  (You can find her recipe HERE!)  Now, mine is not hers!  Hers inspired mine, but I will admit that I don’t keep a lot of spices in the house and didn’t have the majority of what she used to make hers, so I just went with the general idea and came up with my version of Shredded Beef Tostadas.


Shredded Beef Tostada
Shredded Beef Tostada

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Comments For a Cause: Remembering Baby D!

It’s the beginning of a new month, March is over! Where did that time go? I remember when I was younger hearing the
Amy Elizabeth Hild, 1987-2015
Amy Elizabeth Hild, 1987-2015

“older” generation around me lament that “time just flies by and speeds up every year”! I couldn’t imagine what that felt like, but I do now! I swear (not literally) that every month is going faster and faster! But, I digress. During the month of March, I had declared that my Comments For A Cause was going to the Amy Hild Memorial Fund to remember my dear friend Amy of Modern Rural Living that was taken from us way too soon! I’m excited and sad all at the same time to say that because of your commenting efforts, I will be mailing her parents a check for $50.00.  It is so bittersweet!  I’m happy to continue to honor Amy’s memory this way and yet sad that I’m even having to do it in the first place!  God continues to teach me patience in understanding.

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Share Your World 2015, Week 10

Well, due to life last week, I missed a week of Share Your World, so I’m excited to be back at it…even if it is at the end of the week!  I hope you enjoy my answers this week…make sure you keep reading because there might be a funny story about me as a young child! 😉

When you lose electricity in a storm, do you light the candles or turn on the flashlight? How many of each do you own? Both!  I love candles and have lots of them much to T’s dismay (I have candles at home and at work, so I’m covered on all bases!), so those would probably be the choice for constant light, but I’m sure for specific things or looking “in” things like cupboards, etc. flashlights would be used!

My current candle at work from Ikea!
My current candle at work from Ikea!

You are given $5,000 and the chance to exchange it for one of two envelopes. One envelope contains $50,000 and one contains $500. Do you make the trade? Why or why not?  My gut reaction is to keep the $5,000 because no matter what was in the other envelope, I would always have $5,000 more than I had prior! 

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Comments for A Cause: Sheffield Public Library

I heard from Beth Ann of It’s Just Life who heard from Val of Corn, Beans, Pigs, & Kids  (all part of our amazing #NorthIowaBloggers group) that it’s Library Lovers Month! How cool is that? So, after taking January off of Comments for a Cause, I’m back this month!

I’ve always loved libraries and reading!  Growing up in Hampton, I’ve always known how awesome our library and librarians are!  When I was a kid I went to the library on a regular basis to check out books as well as participate in special activities like plays, holiday events, & I volunteered as an elementary aged kid helping put away books, cleaning, and other jobs.

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