Share Your World 2015, Week 10

Well, due to life last week, I missed a week of Share Your World, so I’m excited to be back at it…even if it is at the end of the week!  I hope you enjoy my answers this week…make sure you keep reading because there might be a funny story about me as a young child! 😉

When you lose electricity in a storm, do you light the candles or turn on the flashlight? How many of each do you own? Both!  I love candles and have lots of them much to T’s dismay (I have candles at home and at work, so I’m covered on all bases!), so those would probably be the choice for constant light, but I’m sure for specific things or looking “in” things like cupboards, etc. flashlights would be used!

My current candle at work from Ikea!
My current candle at work from Ikea!

You are given $5,000 and the chance to exchange it for one of two envelopes. One envelope contains $50,000 and one contains $500. Do you make the trade? Why or why not?  My gut reaction is to keep the $5,000 because no matter what was in the other envelope, I would always have $5,000 more than I had prior! 

What’s your first memory? Believe it or not, it was shortly after potty training.  We lived out in the county and my mom worked 3-11 shifts at a hospital.  She had gotten snowed in during a blizzard (in at the hospital).  My dad had hung blankets up to keep all the heat in one room (we lived in a large, drafty farm house).  He made us supper and for some reason I ate my supper sitting on my potty chair!  (I still maintain to this day that he made me for some reason even though he says he didn’t!)

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep, toss and turn, or get up and try to do something? If I’m in bed and can’t sleep, I start by praying.  If that doesn’t help, I go out and sleep on our living room floor.  98% of the time when I can’t sleep in bed, I can lay down on our living room floor and fall asleep in minutes!  Odd, I know!

View of downtown St. Louis from Busch Stadium!
View of downtown St. Louis from Busch Stadium!

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? I am beyond grateful for my trip this past week to STL with R!  We had an amazing time and built memories that neither of us will forget as well as strengthening our bond as step-mom and step-son!  I’m very much looking forward to this weekend with T where we have no real plans except for working around home!  We don’t have anywhere to go and are just going to spend time together!  It’s been several weeks since we’ve had a weekend like that! 


Don’t forget to Comment for a Cause: The Amy Hild Memorial Fund

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