Share Your World 2015 – Week 12

I know I’ve missed a few weeks, but I’m feeling a little more on top of my game this week, so I thought I’d throw one of these in!  I hope you enjoy learning just a bit more about me!

When was the last time you sat on a park or garden bench for more than ten minutes? Describe the occasion.  We have a fantastic pergola in our backyard by our garden and it is normal for T and I to sit back there after weeding or picking our produce and just visit or listen to the birds, enjoy the weather, etc.  While it isn’t exactly gardening weather here yet (it sleeted and snowed last night)..a couple weekends ago it was sunny and warm and we actually sat back there for awhile!

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Share Your World 2015, Week 10

Well, due to life last week, I missed a week of Share Your World, so I’m excited to be back at it…even if it is at the end of the week!  I hope you enjoy my answers this week…make sure you keep reading because there might be a funny story about me as a young child! 😉

When you lose electricity in a storm, do you light the candles or turn on the flashlight? How many of each do you own? Both!  I love candles and have lots of them much to T’s dismay (I have candles at home and at work, so I’m covered on all bases!), so those would probably be the choice for constant light, but I’m sure for specific things or looking “in” things like cupboards, etc. flashlights would be used!

My current candle at work from Ikea!
My current candle at work from Ikea!

You are given $5,000 and the chance to exchange it for one of two envelopes. One envelope contains $50,000 and one contains $500. Do you make the trade? Why or why not?  My gut reaction is to keep the $5,000 because no matter what was in the other envelope, I would always have $5,000 more than I had prior! 

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Share Your World 2015, Week 7

Once again Cee of Cee’s Photography has provided another great week of questions. So, without anymore pomp….here we go…

Is the paper money in your possession right now organized sequentially according to denomination and with the bills right side up and facing the same way? Yes, absolutely!  Always sequentially with the largest (as few as there are in my wallet) and all face up.  Likewise, my cash box at work is all organized by denomination as well as all face up and facing the left!  (This goes back to my days of working at Fareway in high school and counting down cash drawers at the end of the night.  That was how they required all drawers to be counted down and put away.  I couldn’t stand counting down a drawer that was all helter skelter!)

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Share Your World 2015, Week 5

Another week of great questions from Cee at Cee’s Photography and I am committed to NOT posting them on the last day of the week or the first day of the following week!  So, here I go!  WOOHOO!

Do you prefer shopping or going to a park? Honestly, it depends.  I love shopping with my mom and best friend because it gives us time to talk, be silly and creative.  I also love shopping with T because we seem to view the world differently than most people around us and our humor is so alike that we end up spending most of the time laughing!  Now, that being said, I also love to go to parks, especially if it’s camping with my three guys.  It’s so relaxing and invigorating that you can’t help but love the time you spend there!  I wrote a short blog one time about our love for camping together, you can find it HERE!

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Share Your World 2015, Week 3

Last week were great questions from Cee of Cee’s Photography and this week doesn’t disappoint either!

Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest? This is so hard!  I wouldn’t even know where to begin to decide who, but I do know that I would want it to be someone out of the ordinary…a war vet, someone who survived the Holocaust….something like that!

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Share Your World 2014 – Week 47

I always love the questions that Cee from Cee’s Photography come up with each week for the Share Your World Challenge. She really made us think and work this week with her twist, which is to list at least 50 things that make you happy. I LOVE this idea as I believe there is too much negativity in the world and we all need to focus on the blessings in our lives and the things that make us happy! So, without further ado…here are my 50 things that make me happy (and in no particular order)!

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