My Christmas List

I said I wasn’t going to do it! I kind of laughed at those people who did it, but here I am doing it! I’m going to share with you my list of businesses that we are going to be using for Christmas shopping this year!

I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for small, locally owned businesses since I used to manage one and that feeling towards them and wanting them to succeed is still near and dear to my heart! But, it was actually T who said to me…”I want to do as much Christmas shopping locally as possible” and I couldn’t have been more excited!!  So, here are my favorite local places to buy Christmas presents…and if you live in North Iowa, I would recommend you give them a try…and if you don’t live here, you need to road trip here! 🙂

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September Comments For A Cause: Franklin County Youth for Christ

I know it’s been a few months since I participated in Comments for a Cause, but I always want to make sure that if I’m giving, it’s from the heart and for a cause that I feel strongly about. The other day I was driving to work and listening to our local radio station.  Every day about 7:35 they play a segment called “Lighten Up & Live with Ken Davis.”  If you don’t know who Ken Davis is, he’s a Christian comedian who is hysterical!  (My dad and I actually both listen and often text or call each other about his laugh for the day!)  Every day they play this segment, which is just a 30 second – 1 minute story or comedy routine that is humorous, but also has a spiritual message to it!  This segment is sponsored by Compassion International and brought to us local listeners by Franklin County Youth for Christ…and, as I was listening the other morning it came to me…they would be the recipient of my next Comments for a Cause.

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Tuesday On The Town in Hampton, Iowa

I’m so lucky to call this place my hometown! For a town of about 4000 people, they sure do have a lot going on! Recently, I got to be a part of their Tuesday on the Town celebration during the Erica Nicole concert! Tuesday on the Town is a town celebration they have each Tuesday in the month of June. There is a free-will donation meal (with proceeds donated to a good cause), a country concert free to the public, vendors available to do some shopping, and then their Municipal Band (world famous if you ask anyone from Hampton) plays their weekly concert! All free, for anyone who wants to attend…a Hampton resident or not!!

Last Tuesday Nashville recording artist, Erica Nicole visited Hampton for not the 1st time, not the 2nd time, not even the 3rd time, but for the 4th time in her career!  Can I just say, “WOW!”  That girl has got some pipes on her!  Humble and down to Earth as well.  She not only can sing, but expresses her love for music and the people who have supported her throughout the journey!

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