I’m Not A Farmer, I’m An #agwife & I Have An Opinion (Just like you!)

I don’t live on a farm. I live in town. I don’t farm. I am a City Clerk. My husband doesn’t farm. He is a Field Sale Agronomist. But, I am an #agwife!  There are days during the year that I am a “farm widow” (meaning T works late and I’m home alone or attending events alone).  There are times during the year that I’m a “single step-mom” because T is working.  His phone can ring at any time of the day, week day or weekend, with a farmer needing something and he delivers!  There are sacrifices that our family makes for the sake of farming.  We don’t plan trips on the weekends during planting and harvest season.  T misses some of the boys’ activities to be assisting his farmers.  Some days, T doesn’t get a lunch unless I pack one for him.  But, we wouldn’t have it any other way because we firmly believe in what the farmers are doing for our country and world.
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