Is the “21 Day Fix” Really a Fix?

For the past 15 or so days I’ve been working on feeding my body the good stuff! I’ve always been known to love food and not be able to turn down a cookie, ice cream, or brownie, but in the last couple months I hadn’t been feeling “well”. I use “well” because I wasn’t sick and I wasn’t unhealthy, but I wasn’t feeling the best that I knew I could. Enter my friend Shannon (from Shannon Ambroson Wellness) and the 21 Day Fix! At first the 21 Day Fix scared the bageebers out of me because I thought, “I can’t live on spinach”. Well, it turns out I don’t have to! It also turns out that the 21 Day Fix isn’t about not eating, it’s about eating the good stuff! Good stuff being whole, unprocessed foods! And, that’s what I’ve done!

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