Anorexia & How It Rules My Life, Part 3

If you follow my blog, you know that I had written 2 different posts about how Anorexia and my struggle with it. You also know that those entries were back in February! (You can find Part 1 & Part 2) That is due to the fact that Part 3 is the hardest to write (I’ve actually been “at this” for a month now, trying to write & share it)!  This part is how anorexia still rules my life every day even though I try hard to not let it!!  I know what a lot of people say, “if you know it’s in your head and wrong, then just don’t listen to it!”  Have you ever said that to an alcoholic or a cocaine addict?  It’s the same concept.  I know I shouldn’t let it rule my daily life, I know that I shouldn’t obsess over what I look like, how much I weigh, what size clothes I wear, but the reality is…I do.

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