You Stay Home, I’ll Go To Work, Part 1

You Stay Home, I’ll Go To Work, Part 1

“On our second date, both my husband and I said we wanted one of us to be home with our kids” 

“It was really quite easy for me..I know I’m an odd mom!!  However, I appreciate that space…I appreciate the “freedom” and time away – then I can love up on them even more when I get home!”  

Ah, the age-old question of being a full-time SAHM (stay at home mom) or FTWM (full-time working mom).  (And before I go any further my acronym for moms who work full-time outside the home is not to imply that SAHM’s don’t work, this is just the easiest way to identify between the two.)  It seems like this has been a debate for as long as man-kind has been around, however lately I’ve noticed an increase in judgement of those that stay home and those that work from people in the opposite groups.  I decided to do a little unscientific research of my own.  I polled my Facebook fans and friends to gather questions for both groups as well as me having a few questions of my own, then I asked a couple friends (both SAHM and FTWM to help me out and answer the questions.  My goal is for all of us to better understand each other and ultimately support each other no matter which route we choose for our family!  So, here’s what I found out!

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