5 Tips for the First Years as a Step-Parent

5 Tips for the First Years as a Step-Parent

There are articles in magazines and all over the internet for surviving your first trimester of a pregnancy, the first year of your babies life..there are books written about it.  But what about those of us who actually didn’t birth the children in our care?? Becoming a stepmom is the most wonderful, difficult, rewarding, and frustrating thing I’ve ever experienced in my life! I can’t imagine my life without my step-sons in it anymore, but wow were those first couple of years tough!!  Here are my top 5 tips for step-parents to help you survive the first years as a step-parent!

     5.  Stop Comparing Your Family to Other Blended Families – it’s easy to compare yourself to Bob & Mary down the street and how their blended family works, but it’s pointless!  Every blended family is different and that’s because every person is different, every divorce is different, and every marriage is different.  Realize this and be OK with it.  Be confident in the blended family you have and focus on it!  Don’t compare yours to someone else’s because you will always feel let down!

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Gardening: The Prep Stage

Spring is “almost” here! I say almost because well, I do live in Iowa and while it is mid-late March…we could still get snow into April or May, so one has to be careful about putting the cart before the horse!But, none the less, the warmish weather we had last week and the week before got us itching and we’ve started a few seeds in the house.

This year, I got to do the vegetable garden planning and seed ordering and I enjoyed every minute of it.  Throughout the past year, I’ve been working on to clean “clean” or “whole” which means a whole lot more fresh fruits and veggies, so I’m always looking for ways to save money and time.  Now, that’s we’ve had a garden for a couple years, I felt that I was ready to try a few new things.  Traditionally we have potatoes, green beans, tomatoes (cherry), onions, and cucumbers in our garden.  This year, we’re expanding…well, not the garden sadly (even though I gave it a valiant effort and was denied), but in our varieties  and I was able to find everything I wanted in the Jung Seed Catalog!

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What I’ve Learned from the 21 Day Fix

I started my first 21 Day Fix cycle in early December…and I’ve “followed” it ever since. Since I’ve adopted this “lifestyle”, I’ve learned many things about myself and my body!  I’ve also had some incredible successes and of course some failures!  Here are my notes and what I’ve learned!

I Love Carbs – I knew it before giving the 21 Day Fix a spin, I knew this, but the Fix has made it even more apparent!  While you don’t have to cut carbs out completely, you do have to cut back and consume ones that aren’t too processed and eat ones that are full of whole grains!  Do you know what I miss the most??  Cereal..yup, cold cereal!  I love that stuff and still crave it, in all it’s sugary processed glory!!

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Stepmom, yes. Victim, no!

I love the support that the stepmom community within social media provides, but I also get very frustrated with the mentality that stepmoms or step-dads are victims.  Unfortunately there seems to be a group of step-moms specifically on Twitter (or at least that’s where I have found them) that have decided that step-moms are treated unfairly and that we are the victim in the situation.  I’m a step-mom and I’m telling you we are not victims.

Choosing to date and marry someone with children from a previous relationship or marriage is a very conscious decision.  It affects the dynamics of your relationship on so many levels.  There isn’t a honeymoon period where it’s just you and your spouse and there’s actually 3 or 4 people in your relationship (directly or indirectly): you, your spouse, the other parent and possibly another step-parent).  You have to be very aware of the situation that you are in and how every decision you make affects not only your household, but quite possibly the other household!

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