#TastyTuesday – A #BeesMeetup with the #NorthIowaBloggers!

I LOVE when I get together with the #NorthIowaBloggers! Everytime we get together, attend a function, or plan something it’s always a different conglomeration of people and it’s always a good time!  This past Monday was no different.  Thanks to Val of Corn, Beans, Pigs, & Kids (even though she ended up not being able to make it) a group of us gathered at the Mason City, Iowa Applebee’s location for a #BeesMeetup.  We warned Applebees via social media that we were coming for them and boy were they ready for us.  They were ready not only on their social media platforms, but also the staff at the restaurant was ready for us!  Thankfully (not sure if it was for us or them) we had an inside hook-up with Loni of Lifestyles of the Pantsless.  Loni is a part-time waitress at Applebees and warned prepped the staff for our arrival.  The manager of the Mason City location was also kind enough to treat us to 9
The bloggers doing what they do best...being on our phones!  Photo Credit to the Applbees hostess!
The bloggers doing what they do best…being on our phones! Photo Credit to the Applbees hostess!

different types of appetizers from their menu!  (Yes, there is only a few more and by ordering we ended up tasting every single one of them!)  The staff was attentive, efficient, courteous, and very tolerable of our group with our chit chat, Tweeting, Facebooking, Instagramming, and requests for pictures!

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Shredded Beef Tostadas

Shredded Beef Tostadas

I’m obsessed with these Shredded Beef Tostadas.

A couple of weeks ago I asked some of my blogging friends for recipes using roasts. You see, we get beef a half a cow at a time from farmers that we know well. We have it taken directly from their farm to our favorite locker (Lewright Meats in Eagle Grove, Iowa) and then it all comes home and fits (almost perfectly) in our upright freezer!  For some reason we seem to have a lot of “extra” roasts, so I’ve been trying different things from Pepsi Roast (it was pretty tasty) to other recipes that were not so much! (That one with the red wine, gak!)

Anyway, Jenny from In the Kitchen With Jenny was kind enough to share her Tostada recipe with me!  (You can find her recipe HERE!)  Now, mine is not hers!  Hers inspired mine, but I will admit that I don’t keep a lot of spices in the house and didn’t have the majority of what she used to make hers, so I just went with the general idea and came up with my version of Shredded Beef Tostadas.


Shredded Beef Tostada
Shredded Beef Tostada

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#TastyTuesday – The NEW Breakfast Sandwich

I run first thing in the morning! My alarm goes off at 5:01 every weekday (don’t ask why 5:01…it goes back to college) and I get up and run or do core/strength training. When I’m done working out, I traditionally am not hungry nor do I have time to sit down and eat breakfast (if I want to make it to work on time)! So, I’m constantly looking for new healthy breakfasts, which are also yummy! In the last week I’ve stumbled across my new favorite breakfast!

Continue “#TastyTuesday – The NEW Breakfast Sandwich”

Garlic Roasted Broccoli

I can eat broccoli and roasted is where healthy eating is at!  I enjoy a large variety of vegetables in almost anyway shape or form.  I’m also constantly looking for new ways to enjoy them so I will eat them more!  While the majority of my posts revolving around #TastyTuesday are family meal centered, I like to throw a healthy recipe in every now and then! The other day I made this and it was so delicious that I knew I had to share it with you all!

Continue “Garlic Roasted Broccoli”

Momma Jo’s Lasagna: A Family Favorite Recipe

As a Midwesterner, we show our love with food!  And for us, love means Momma Jo’s Lasagna. 

For special events like Valentine’s Day I always like to cook for T.  His favorite meal is lasagna and my mom’s recipe is his favorite version of that.

The Recipe

When I first started dating T he insisted that all lasagna was equal. I kept arguing this was simply not true. He was famous for opening a jar of sauce, throwing in some hamburger and layering it with some noodles, baking it and calling it lasagna. I FINALLY got him to my mom’s house to have her lasagna and he’s never looked back! Continue “Momma Jo’s Lasagna: A Family Favorite Recipe”

#TastyTuesday – Brown Sugar Oatmeal Coffee Cake

Recently on a Sunday I got up and wanted something warm and sweet. It was too late to get cinnamon rolls going, so I decided to throw together a coffee cake. I started by making a base and added a brown sugar oatmeal topping! It turned out great and even T told my mom with a tone of suprise “It was actually good” as though I feed him bad food on a regular basis! Gee thanks dear! (He later clarified that he was suprised because he never though to use oatmeal in a coffee cake).

oatmeal coffee cake

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Lois D’s Taco Casserole: Midweek meal

taco casseroleI love having everything planned and in the house for suppers!  And Lois D’s Taco Casserole is one that is perfect for having in the freezer or to make it quick after work. 

The Recipe

This taco casserole recipe comes from my 4th grade teacher, Lois D. When I was in 8th grade my mom had some major surgeries and our friends from church arranged lots of meals to be delivered! Lois D went to our church and brought this casserole over along with the most amazing ice cream dessert! It’s been a favorite of mine ever since and I think your family will like it too!

Meal Planning

It’s also one of those that makes meal planning so easy!  My version of meal planning is slightly different than others.  Over the weekend, I make a list of 5-7 meals I could make the next week.  It is typically based on what can be made with what we have in the house, but I do gather additional items if necessary!  Then, the night before I ask T which one of those meals he’s hungry for and that’s what we go with!  


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Meal Planning – Smothered Ribeye Steak

Last weekend I was feeling adventurous. I wanted to try my hand at a few things and test some things out. I had thawed out some ribeye steaks and bought baby red potatoes at the store because those are a favorite of T’s. My goal was to recreate a summer-time meal of steak and roasted potatoes. I looked through my recipe box and decided to combine a couple different things to come up with a marinade of sorts for the steak.  Here is what I came up with!

The way our life works, sometimes I have the time to play with recipes, create recipes, cook, and baked.  Sometimes, I’m merely surviving.  Thankfully, there are always times here and there between our busy schedules that allow me to let this part of my creative brain run wild!

Continue “Meal Planning – Smothered Ribeye Steak”